
Giving Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in giving. Your generosity helps us provide the level of care that has come to be expected from the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home. Each gift is used for the direct benefit of our residents. And every donation is appreciated.

Honor Someone Special

Enhancing the Quality of Life Capital Campaign

For 40 years, the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home has been making a difference in the lives of seniors, offering exceptional skilled nursing and rehabilitation services, built on Jewish values.

Enhancing lives and meeting the community’s ever-changing needs is a top priority of the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home. Now is the time to invest in the future and ensure our loved ones experience the care they desire.

The goal is to raise $23 million for an extensive renovation and expansion. Learn more



These gifts guarantee our ability to continually meet our mission. Creating a substantial endowment helps ensure our continued ability to provide high-quality programs and services that set the standard of excellence in long-term health care, and provide financial security in an era of eroding governmental support and increased operational costs. Contact Amy Bernstein Shivvers, Executive Director of Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation, at 402-334-6466 or

L.O.V.E. Tribute Cards

These are available for purchase year-round. Use them to offer sympathy, acknowledge a recovery, or to say thank-you or mazel tov. Tribute card donations go to L.O.V.E. (League Offering Volunteers for the Elderly) to support programming for Rose Blumkin Jewish Home residents and for the purchase of necessary medical equipment that improves their quality of life. For more on L.O.V.E. Tribute Cards, please contact Sabine Strong at 402-913-3570.

Special Donor-Designated Funds

In addition to endowment giving, special restricted funds can be established by committed donors to the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home. A donor may choose to designate a gift for a special purpose, annual fund or for a donor-designated endowment fund where interest is expended to a specific program or purpose as defined by the donor.